Robert L. Coray M.D., FACS
General, Vascular, and Cosmetic Surgery in Rexburg, Idaho
Robert L. Coray M.D., FACS
General, Vascular, and Cosmetic Surgery in Rexburg, Idaho

Welcome to Robert L. Coray M.D., F.A.C.S General and Vascular Surgery
Robert L. Coray M.D., FACS, practicing general surgeon, has been performing general and cosmetic surgery for eastern Idaho residents for over 20 years. He enjoys surgery because it gives him the opportunity to improve the lives of his patients and he looks forward to meeting with you and helping you become the best you can be!
Meet The Doctor
Robert L. Coray, M.D., FACS
About Robert L. Coray
My family and I are originally from Pocatello, Idaho, and relocated to Rexburg over 15 years ago to continue practicing General, Vascular and Cosmetic surgery. My wife, Julie, and I are the parents of 5 beautiful children who have enjoyed growing up in this gorgeous valley with many wonderful friends. They have been active in participating in sports, the arts, and many talent shows. We love the outdoors and being involved in community events.
Areas of Expertise
It continues to be an amazing experience living in such a beautiful part of the country and associating with such talented, caring physicians who dedicate their lives to the many good patients in this area. It has been my privilege to participate in taking care of so many wonderful patients – whether it is curing a surgical disease or helping achieve their aesthetic goals for improved self-esteem and confidence.
Thank you again for your interest!
Board Certifications / Memberships

Available Surgical Procedures
Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery
For some patients, Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery needs to be completed for a variety of reasons such as goiter, cancer or a biopsy.
Surgery is often the best option for treating parathyroid or hyperparathyroidism disease. During surgery, a small incision is usually used to remove all or portions of the thyroid or parathyroid glands. Following the procedure is a short hospital stay to ensure proper healing.
Hernia Surgery
Hernias generally occur when a piece of the intestine slips through an abdominal wall weakness.
This creates the bulge that you can see and feel, at times it may be painful or get bigger over time. Hernias do not get better on their own, so surgery will often be recommended by a physician. Hernia surgery is an outpatient procedure where most patients can return home and back to their activities quickly.
Intestinal Surgery
This generally includes the removal of the compromised sections of the intestine or infection and reconnecting of the resected ends. Downtime is limited to a few days and regular intestinal function is up after several weeks.
Anorectal Surgery
How It Works
Most anorectal surgical procedures are done in same-day surgery. A few, more extensive procedures require hospitalization for one to three days. Your ability to tolerate the pain postoperatively and your doctor’s concern about your wounds determine the time of discharge.
Robotic Surgery
Robotic Surgery allows doctors to perform more complex surgeries with more precision, flexibility, and control over traditional techniques.
How It Works
Most are performed through minimally invasive small incisions. The surgeon controls the robot at a computer console near the operating table. The console gives a 3-D, magnified, high-definition view of the operation site. Dr. Coray is currently trained and fully credentialed in this precision technology to perform robotic surgery on appropriate candidates.
Robotic Surgery can be used for the following:
• Colorectal Surgery
• General Surgery
• Gynecologic Surgery
• Head & Neck Surgery
• Thoracic Surgery
• Urologic Surgery
• Cardiac Surgery
Breast Surgery
Our office provides state-of-the-art breast surgeries for cancer including sentinel lymph node biopsy, lumpectomy, or traditional mastectomy. Plastic surgery consultation can be arranged for reconstruction options.
Breast Biopsies
A breast biopsy is surgically removing some cells from a suspicious area to examine under a microscope.
Breast Cancer Screening & Surgery
Breast cancer screening or surgery is taking an x-ray to check for tumors too small to feel and removing suspicious cells for examination.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that is performed to increase breast size and enhance breast shape. The ultimate goal of this procedure is to increase the patient’s natural proportions. Each surgery is tailored to meet each woman’s individual needs.
Colonoscopy & Endoscopy
• • Colonoscopy/Endoscopy is used to see problems within the body without making large incisions.
How It Works
Using an endoscope, the surgeon inserts a camera into the body to examine the interior of an organ or other body cavity. The endoscope transmits the images and information to a screen in the room so the doctor can see what the endoscope sees. This information is critical to determine health risks and appropriate treatment plans.
Endoscopic surgery could be recommended for any of the following conditions:
• Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), such as Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease
• Stomach Ulcer
• Chronic Constipation
• Screening Colonoscopy
• Swallowing Problems
• Acid Reflux
• Diarrhea
• Unexplained bleeding in the digestive tract
• Tumors
• Infections
• Polyp Removal
Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery is a minimally invasive surgery with less downtime than traditional surgery.
How It Works
Instead of one larger incision, laparoscopic procedures use several 0.5 to 1 cm incisions to enter a port into the abdomen. At each port, a tubular instrument is inserted called a trocar. Special equipment and cameras are inserted into the trocars throughout the procedure. The laparoscope camera transmits images to high-resolution video monitors in the operating room, so the doctor can perform the same surgery with smaller incisions.
Laparoscopic Surgery can be recommended for the following procedures:
• Gallbladder
• Appendix
• Hernias
• Spleen
• Intestinal Cancers
• Treatment of Reflux
Vascular Surgery
Vascular surgery involves many different aspects and Dr. Coray is able to perform a variety of different vascular options such as bypass, dialysis access, ports, and laser treatment of varicose and spider veins. Often there is little downtime which results in improved blood flow and alleviation of pain.
Additional Elective Procedures
SmartLipo Laser Body Sculpting is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted procedure that targets trouble spots like the abdomen, thighs, and neck, and permanently eliminates fat. Whether you need help in your arms, neck, face, or body, SmartLipo is your best choice to bring out the best you.
Many people have “love handles,” “bat wings,” “muffin tops,” “saddlebags” and jowls that don’t respond to exercise and diet. This is where SmartLipo comes in. After this procedure, these problem areas improve dramatically with minimal downtime and less pain than traditional liposuction.
SmartLipo actually tightens skin through gentle heating of the deep layers of the skin. This means less worry about dimpling and sagging. And with SmartLipo you can experience the latest generation of laser-assisted fat elimination. This unique technology delivers the optimal blend of three wavelengths for fat removal, tissue tightening, and safe results.
How does SmartLipo work?
Local anesthesia is used (you’re awake during the procedure)
A tiny incision is made, about the size of the tip of a pen
The SmartLipo laser fiber is inserted through a very small tube into your body
The laser ruptures the fat cell membranes
The fat cells are permanently destroyed
The liquefied fat is gently suctioned out
New collagen is produced resulting in coagulation of skin, resulting in tightening
Typically, only one treatment is required dependent on the number of areas to be treated. Results may vary, but usually can be seen within a week, with continued improvement over three to six months.
SmartLipo vs. Traditional Lipo
Liposuction introduced the world to body contouring. Now SmartLipo takes an amazing concept and makes it even better.
With SmartLipo, there is significantly less bleeding, swelling, and bruising than with traditional liposuction. As a result, recovery is faster. Because a local anesthetic is used instead of general anesthesia, you’re awake during the procedure—that’s a real plus leading to a faster, easier recovery.
• Traditional Liposuction
• Usually under general anesthesia
• Loose skin remains where fat is suctioned out
• Significant pain
• Increased chance of complications (based on touch-ups)
• Resume work after a week
• SmartLipo
• Local anesthesia
• Tightened skin from collagen production where lasers are used (visible after three to six months)
• Less pain
• Less chance of complications (based on touch-ups)
• Resume work after two days
Vein Treatments
Removal of Spider & Varicose veins will greatly improve your vascular health as well as boost your confidence and appearance!
Spider Veins
Spider veins are dilated veins very close to the surface of your skin. They appear purple, blue, or red and spread out like a branch or a spider web. Spider veins usually appear on the thighs, ankles, nose, chin, or cheek area. In addition to being unsightly, these veins also can burn and itch.
The laser-based procedure to eliminate these veins is simple and mostly pain-free. The duration and number of sessions will vary depending on your situation. Facial veins can frequently be treated in one session. Veins on the leg usually require three to five treatments to ensure the best results. In addition to laser treatment, some spider veins also require tiny injections of liquid to help them disappear.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins appear as twisted, enlarged veins that lie close to the surface of the skin. While there isn’t cause to panic, this condition may point to other problems. These veins most likely appear in the ankles or legs and get worse with age. They look dark blue, swollen, and twisted under the skin
Varicose veins frequently run in families. They originate from valves and veins that become weakened over time. In a varicose vein, blood collects where it should be running freely.
Pressure on the leg from standing on a job, being overweight or pregnant increases the chances of developing this problem.
While rare, some cases can progress to blood clots developing in the deep veins. This can be quite serious.
Symptoms of Varicose Veins May Include the Following:
• Aching or burning in the legs
• Edema in the legs or ankles
• Leg cramps or sores
• Itching of the skin around a vein
• Open wounds such as skin ulcers around the ankle
After a diagnosis, we will decide if laser treatment is an appropriate solution.
My laser treatment is an in-office procedure where your skin is numbed before the treatment. There is no downtime and you see results immediately.
Breast Augmentation
A breast biopsy is surgically removing some cells from a suspicious area to examine under a microscope.
Breast cancer screening or surgery is taking an x-ray to check for tumors too small to feel and removing suspicious cells for examination.
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that is performed to increase breast size and enhance breast shape. The ultimate goal of this procedure is to increase the patient’s natural proportions. Each surgery is tailored to meet each woman’s individual needs.
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